“Celebrating what we have after a loss is often forgotten but it is needed. Doesn’t the good book say “Be grateful in all situations”?”
Mo’Believe (Fàyá Press Release, 2020)
On this song, Mo’Believe keenly expresses the need for gratefulness. In the early minutes of the songs he croons, “what don’t kill you will almost kill you, that’s what they don’t tell you”. As soon as we hear this, we begin to understand that Mo’Believe relates to our everyday struggles. Then on the chorus, we get “ina o ma gbe orin/ogo lo”, we begin to understand that not all is lost and there might be some need to appreciate.
This song presents quite the balance between loss and the need to appreciate loss. If you’re into the lost art of African folk music and looking for the sounds that’ll define the next wave— this song, and Mo’Believe will definitely do it for you.